Rufous Hummingbird
Selasphorus rufus
 (L 3.75" WS 4.5" WT 0.12 oz)
Oak Park
Feistiest hummer in No. Amer
...uncommon vagrant in Oak Park.
Has shown a 58% population
decline since 1967.
(Nat’l Audubon Society).
Selasphorus in Greek means carrying a
bright flame or a flash of lightning; rufus
in Latin means red or ruddy but in
ornitholology could mean yellow, orange,
brown to crimson, scarlet or purple.
© Cornell
IUCN Watch List
Status is Near
© Audubon
The Rufous Hummingbird, which
commutes annually between
Mexico and Alaska, makes the
longest flight, relative to body
length, of any bird in the world.
(Noah Strycker)